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reopening procedures

Hey Ya’ll,

I hope that this finds you and your family healthy and happy.

We are all tremendously blessed that we have maintained our physical and mental health during this epic time.

We are excited to announce that we will officially reopen our doors to our clients at 10:00am on Monday, May 25th, 2020.


The safety of you, your family, our clients, and community is of our utmost concern. As such, will have amended our operating policies and procedures per recommendations and guidelines of CDC. In order to maintain a safe and healthy work flow, we will continue to follow city and state mandates, and adhere to the safety regulations as stipulated by the CDC.


Please be mindful that we are reopening during a time where Covid-19 infections are steadily growing in most cities around the country. We want you to approach your work with caution. Please take these regulations seriously, and approach each individual client as a potential threat to your personal health. Remember that this virus can go undetected for 14 days. Please continue to make healthy decisions.


  1. All staff need to be well, without fever, and not knowingly exposed to a person who is infected with Covid-19

  2. All staff will need to have temperature taken daily. You will be expected not to work if your temperature is in fever range.

  3. We recommend that artists take the temperature of their clients before they are serviced. We will, however leave this decision to each artist individually.

  4. We will operating by appointment only. We cannot service walkin’s  at this time.

  5. The waiting area is reserved for clients and guests of those being serviced only.

  6. All common areas (bathroom,  waiting room front door handles) should be cleaned with a bleach solution every 2 hours.

  7. Each station  should be completely cleaned with a bleach solution between clients.

  8. Clients should check in with their artist by phone, and wait in their car until time to be serviced. Artist will let the client know by phone when it is time to arrive.

  9. We will operate with 20 people or less in the building at one time.

  10. Clients may have one guest and the guest is required to wear a mask and gloves at all times.

  11. Staff members are required a wash their hands for 20 seconds with hot soapy water between clients, anytime your gloves are removed.

  12. We require that all staff wear a clean mask and gloves at all times.

  13. We ask that all clients wear a mask at all times.

  14. We reserve the right to refuse service to any person at any time.

  15. At this time we do not advise servicing underaged clients, but will leave this to the discretion of the individual artist.

  16. All books, magazines, flyers, and menu’s other marketing collateral has been removed to further prevent the spread of the virus.

  17. We recommend that you work in layers so that you may remove your layers before you reenter your home.

  18. Clean your car interior daily with a diluted bleach solution.


If we may be of assistance to you in any way please  don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you feel sick, or as if you may have been exposed to Covid -19  please let us know immediately.


Thank you all so much for your time and dedication.

Remember the safety of you and your family is most important to us.


Zoe’s Management.

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